Monday, May 4, 2009

Another Rainy Day

Another rainy day and it looks like there are four more to go. So far this morning we've played with playdoh (Josh was entertained for a good 45 minutes!) and run numerous laps around the house! Add in some time with trains, puzzles, books, tools and pots and pans and well...I can't believe it's only the morning! I'm tired just thinking about this afternoon after naptime...ugh! I'm trying to figure out if staying dry and in my pajamas outweighs packing up the kids and running through the rain through a parking lot to a store! Oh, decisions of a stay-at-home mom! :) Don't worry, we have plans everyday for the rest of the week, so I won't keep us locked inside all week!


Candice said...

You need to build a blanket and pillow fort! Did you do that growing up? Where you stretch blankets from a couch to a chair, etc. My kids can get hours of fun out of a fort.

Jenelle said...

You are such a nice mom-- Grace gets one color of play doh at a time!!!