Friday, December 31, 2010

Swallow Falls on New Year's Eve

We headed to Swallow Falls on New Year's Eve with Jon, Shannon and Ania. We had never been in the winter and figured it would be pretty with all of the snow.
This is a picture of us at the top of the falls where we've had our picture taken a bunch of times. There are rocks there that we always walk out to. This time it was snow and ice.

But we've never had our picture taken here before:

None of us were expecting to see this - it was beautiful! Half of the falls were frozen and the other half were running under the ice and snow. We could walk on the river right in front of the falls. It was so cool!

Ania was excited too!

Josh and Katelyn got to go behind the falls a little...

...and Katelyn took off her gloves so she could feel the cold icicles!
This was an amazing place to visit in the winter - we highly recommend it!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Christmas at Nana's:

Christmas at Deep Creek with the Grandma, Pop-Pop and Gigi Gallo:

Christmas with Granddad and Grandma:

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Crossman Christmas Prep

We made Christmas cookies with Grandma Crossman...and use A LOT of sprinkles!

Then we went to see the light display later in the week. It was cold but fun!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Santa is going to be at the fire."

We saw Santa again tonight...look familiar?
Our neighborhood had their annual bonfire tonight and Santa arrives on his sleigh pulled by the fire truck. As enchanting as Santa is, we were not happy that after Josh told him he wanted a truck and a guy, that Santa responded, "What else?" What else? What else? We do not need to add anything to the Christmas list! Josh gave the question some thought and responded with, "A boat!" Ugh...he either needs to forget he asked for this or we need to go back to the store!

More candy canes from Santa - yummy!

Josh got to try on the fireman's helmet!

What a difference a year makes! Katelyn actually liked being in her snowsuit and boots! No tears! Our kiddos are ready for the snow!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Candy Making with Jed

After breakfast, we headed to Kate and Jed's for Candy Making Day!
Josh and Katelyn started by making chocolate-covered pretzels. We're not sure how many they actually ate in the process, but Katelyn's chocolate-covered face didn't hide it very well!

Then we headed into the kitchen to break-up some of the candy cane that Santa had given them. We made mint chocolate discs with these!

Butter creams - yummy!
Thanks Kate and Jed for a fun and delicious day!
Merry Christmas!

Breakfast with Santa

The fire company around the corner from us had Breakfast with Santa. We arrived around 9:15 and Josh asked to see Santa before we ate breakfast. We had a short wait in line and then Josh and Katelyn had their time with the big man. Josh was excited and jumped on Santa's lap with no hesitation. As you can see in the photo below, Katelyn was not too sure. There were no tears, but she didn't want her Mommy or Daddy too far away!

Josh was listening closely to every word that Santa said. Josh was given instructions to make a list for Santa and to leave it on a table with chocolate chip cookies and milk.
**Nana and Aunt Cassi...
we need to add chocolate chip cookies to the list of things to do!**
Josh asked Santa for a truck and a man. He then coached Katelyn to ask for a baby and a dress.

Once Santa gave the kids a candy cane and little toy, they were very pleased!
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

No Show

Tonight was supposed to be Josh's Christmas Program at school. But alas...with the first snowfall of the season, came the first round of event cancellations. :(
We were so sad that we weren't able to see Josh up on stage with his classmates singing "Away in a Manger" and "Silent Night" and we've had to settle for his renditions in the car. If you're lucky, you'll get to hear it too!
Grandma and Pop-Pop travelled down for dinner and the show, so we headed out to eat and then over to Kenilworth Mall to see the train display. It was amazing!

This wasn't what we had in mind for the evening, but it was a great time for everyone!
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

Tonight we put together our gingerbread houses. The ongoing quote of the night was, "Stop eating the icing!" As you can see from Josh and Katelyn's faces, they didn't stop. :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas is coming...

Josh and Katelyn have both enjoyed helping to decorate for Christmas this year. However, our tree is "sharp" so they aren't huge fans. We went to help decorate Chris, Melanie and Miles' tree last weekend and Josh was a big fan. Their tree didn't hurt him. :)

We went with Kate, Jed and Stacey to their church for a family advent night. We made an Advent Wreath and other Christmas crafts. Katelyn slept for the first half of the night, but Josh had fun choosing which activity he wanted to do. Then he sat/danced with Madison and Avery for the rest of the night. It was a fun time together!

Our Advent Wreath

Making baby Jesus in the manger

Christmas ornaments

My favorite! Katelyn made a wreath for our door.
Josh wouldn't even go in the room. He doesn't like messy activities. :(

Cookie smiles!