Friday, July 29, 2011

Prigel Family Creamery

We visited a local creamery with our neighbors. There was a short tour of the creamery facility, then the main event: ICE CREAM! I think Josh now understands that the cows don't actually produce ice cream themselves, but the cow's milk is used to make it. :)

The kids and the Jerseys

Josh and Katelyn were asking for ice cream the ENTIRE tour. They were not interested in learning about the process - they only wanted to taste the product! They both chose strawberry ice cream on cones - they are branching out! There were eight piglets at the farm. Unfortunately, their mother died giving birth and they are now bottle feeding these piglets with the help of volunteers. They were super cute and wrestling around like little puppies do. We reminded each other of the huge, smelly hogs we saw at the fairgrounds a few weeks ago - they don't stay cute forever! (Plus, I don't know that the HOA would allow a pen in the back!)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dinner with the Dunns

Mr. and Mrs. Dunn came over for dinner. Josh enjoyed having his teachers at his house - we'll see how he does when school starts and he has new teachers! Josh played Yahtzee and read a story with Mr. Dunn. He showed Mrs. Dunn his drawings and we all played catch in the basement. Josh was so excited they were here - it was really cute! And Katelyn had a lot to tell Mr. and Mrs. Dunn - they were impressed by her vocabulary. Is anyone surprised? :)

Josh greeted Mr. and Mrs. Dunn with a silly Ireland hat with bells. It was no surprise that Mr. Dunn wore a silly hat too! There were also lots of laughs that Mr. Dunn brought his favorite vegetable for dessert - ICE CREAM! Josh tried to correct him that ice cream is a treat, not a vegetable, but we're not convinced Mr. Dunn understood. Josh said, "Every time he says it's a vegetable and every time we tell him it's a treat!"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Philly Photos

Katelyn, Josh, Jack, Josie, and Danny

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zoo Day

We spent the morning at the zoo today and it turned out to be a great day to be there! Josh and Katelyn enjoyed showing Pop-Pop and Yai-Yai the sites. Josh was very interested in the map this time and was our navigator. He was often referring to the map to make sure we were going in the right direction. It was one of those things where you felt like you were witnessing child development - that he has crossed over into a new stage of processing the world and exploring it. Josh was very cute and serious about his job!

The best photo of the bunch...or should I say pride?

Sunday, July 24, 2011


We spent the day in Philadelphia with Big Baby Josie and Little Babies Jack and Danny. By the end of the day, Josh and Katelyn no longer considered Josie a baby, so I think she's lost that nickname now. Jack and Danny are 4 months old now!

Katelyn and Danny

Betsy and Danny
Natalie and Jack (I can't believe the only picture I have is with spit up!)
Natalie has some more photos with Josie in them, so I'll do another post with these cute kids!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

This little guy is just like his father...

Here is Josh in July of 2008:

July 2009:
Yesterday, Josh asked me to draw him a picture of "The King" from Cars. We couldn't find his King car or his Cars book, so I drew it from memory. I told Josh that I couldn't remember King's number, so I wasn't going to put one. Josh said, "Wait! Let me think." He furrowed his brow and put his finger on the side of his head while he thought. Then he said, "It's a 3 and a 4." I took his word for it and drew a 34 on the car:

Today we went online to print out some pictures to color and I found a King coloring page. Wouldn't you know that Josh had the right numbers, just the wrong order. I couldn't believe it! Turns out that Josh has a memory like his fathers!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This was Katelyn 2 summers ago...

...and here is Katelyn now.

It looks like she's ready for preschool this fall...just not sure I am!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Vacation at Eagle Bay

Mommy, Josh and Katelyn drove from Baltimore to Eagle Bay, New York in the Adirondacks for a vacation with Stacey and Kate. Daddy, Jed and Greg flew up midweek for the rest of the week. We had a great time and are so thankful to get to go! Mrs. P and "The Captain" were amazing hosts - THANK YOU!!!

We walked up to the local ice cream shop a few times during the week. Josh and Katelyn thought that the twist ice cream was really cool.
On Saturday, we took a family canoe ride. Josh declared this his favorite part of week! Katelyn kept saying, "I hope we don't fall in!" You can see her hanging on tight. The seas were not rough so the chances were slim of any danger!

This family of ducks was around each day. Jed demonstrated a very important nature lesson on Friday when he started to chase the ducks. There was an attack complete with a dive in the water - it was very entertaining. For the rest of the weekend, Josh and Katelyn would play this game - Katelyn would say, "Mommy, you be the mommy duck, I will be the baby duck, and Josh will be Jed." Then Josh would say, "I'll try to get the baby duck and you chase me. " Then I would say, "Stay away from my baby" and chase Josh. Giggles followed.

Josh on Vacation

Highlights for Josh were playing with the trucks in sand, practicing swimming, riding on the little jet ski over and over and over again, jet ski ride with Kate, and a canoe ride with Mommy and Daddy.

Josh and "Captain" - Josh would do anything the Captain wanted!

Jet ski ride with Kate - "We went around two times!"

On Saturday morning, Josh and Mommy walked to The Donut Shop for fresh donuts. It was a long walk and Josh didn't complain once. You can tell in the next photo that Josh actually had fun!

Josh got braver each day and would go out further in the water. Here he is with Daddy while in the little jet ski...

...and in the deep water collecting golf balls!

Katelyn on Vacation

Highlights for Katelyn: Playing in the sand, playing in the shallow water (she declared up to her waist too deep), driving the boat, eating twist ice cream and playing with the stuffed animals. When we were talking about the wild animals in the area, she repeatedly said, "I hope no coyotes get us!" We reassured her that she was safe.

Katelyn and "Captain"

Katelyn took a ride on this moose everyday

Katelyn would only ride in this on the grass, not the water!

Climbing on a rock at the playground

Monday, July 11, 2011

It only took 20 minutes...

...from the time that we arrived in Eagle Bay for the kids to be in the water and Katelyn to be down to her diaper! (She doesn't like the feel of wet clothes...this becomes a theme.) There is a great sandy area on one side of the deck where Josh and Katelyn can play in the sand and the other side is good for playing in the water. Perfect setup!

Josh went down the slide in his clothes too on the first night!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend Fun

Josh was invited to his first bowling birthday party on Saturday for a friend from school. He looked really cute in his bowling shoes and had a great time. Looks like our Wii bowling paid off!

On Sunday we joined Madison, Avery and Baby Hannah at the steam engines in Leakin Park. We had another fun afternoon!

Sweet Baby Hannah missed the entire day sleeping!

Daddy is in week six of recovery - halfway there!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Learning

On Wednesday we went to the Science Center with Mia and Charlotte (and sweet baby Gabrielle too!) Josh LOVED the dinosaur exhibit and we'll make sure we spend more time here next time.

Be sure to notice Katelyn's protective glasses :)

Water play - always fun!

On Thursday we headed to the fairgrounds for the 4H fair.

Macy and Katelyn are checking on the swine here.

(Be sure to ask Josh about the HUGE pig that ran towards the kids - it's a funny story!)

Katelyn really liked this calf. Can you hear her giggle in this picture?

Katelyn is our animal lover.

Watching the cows get showered.

Parker, Macy, Jack, Katelyn, Josh and Luke