Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zoo Day

We spent the morning at the zoo today and it turned out to be a great day to be there! Josh and Katelyn enjoyed showing Pop-Pop and Yai-Yai the sites. Josh was very interested in the map this time and was our navigator. He was often referring to the map to make sure we were going in the right direction. It was one of those things where you felt like you were witnessing child development - that he has crossed over into a new stage of processing the world and exploring it. Josh was very cute and serious about his job!

The best photo of the bunch...or should I say pride?


Stacey P said...

Love the banner picture and so proud of Josh's map reading. That is my favorite part at every zoo. (Even if Kate mocks me.)

Karen said...

Hi Jeff and Betsy, What a precious family. I was going through some keepsakes and came across the story of you and Jeff. How fun to read how you met and how he proposed at the airport cafe almost 8 years ago!!! God is so good and His ways are so amazing. Thanking Him for bringing you two together.
Love, Mrs. Mager