Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hello Again and Merry Christmas

I've been mostly posting on Facebook, but thought I would at least start off 2015 with some recent photos for those of you who still look at our blog! Here is a look at our December and Christmas preparations. We moved to in a new home in the same town on the first weekend of the month, so we were pretty scattered. But we still managed to carry out some of our traditions! 

Candy making with Jed! 
The finished products! They didn't last long!
Getting our Christmas Tree with Kate and Jed. We went to a new place this year that we thought would be fun for the kids - there were animals on the farm and a hay pile to climb - but Josh missed cutting it down this year, so we will be back to Doyle's next year!

Decorating the tree
Katelyn got to put on the star

Medina was excited to see Santa and asked him for a baby doll
Meka and her buddy Carolina
Meka wouldn't go in the room to see Santa, but she waved through the glass!

A highlight of the month was having Grandma Squires and Great-Grandma Swanee taught about Christmas in Norway in Josh's first grade class. It was such a sweet time. They shared a story, sang a traditional Norwegian Christmas song in Norwegian and English as the children danced around the Christmas tree, they shared traditional Kringla (bread), and spoke about other traditions. We were so glad to have them!

Katelyn had her ballet observation. The class did a dance with dolls from The Nutcracker. Katelyn did such a good job! 
YiaYia came to see Katelyn dance too!
Katelyn continued to add to the tree all month!
Meka and Medina sang with their preschool class on the last day of school. Medina decided she rather explore the room instead of sing, but Meka stayed on stage to sing. To the right of Meka are her friends Carolina and Wesley.
Christmas Eve 2014 with Nana
The power went out for a few hours before bed. We had fun doing puzzles by candlelight, Josh and Katelyn performing Christmas songs from school, and then putting out cookies for Santa. 

Christmas Morning 2014
Happy Birthday to Jesus
Merry Christmas with Pop-Pop and YiaYia
We had a tea party with Nana during her visit using Granny's tea cups. 
And we took Nana to see the train garden. That night we took her to see the lights on 34th Street. 
Nana knitted Josh a scarf and started working on Katelyns. Katelyn even learned how to do a little bit!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!