Thursday, May 31, 2012

Strawberry Picking!

We went strawberry picking for the first time.
It was a gorgeous day - we had a great time! 

Katelyn did a super job picking strawberries.
She loves this fruit, so she was focused on the task at hand.

Note the strawberry mustache and beard. :) 

We got to take a tractor ride to the field.

The spoils of our day! We made 4 jars of jam,
froze 3 bags of berries for smoothies,
and have a large bowl in the fridge to enjoy!

There was a petting zoo too complete with
alpacas, sheep, llamas, donkeys, and goats.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Check one off the list

I've set a goal to go to six new museums in Baltimore in the next six months. There are so many in the city and we've hardly been to any. So, we started off the first week of summer vacation by going to our first new museum - The Visionary Arts Museum. We weren't allowed to take photos inside (boo!), but here are a few from outside. The museum was full of unconventional art. We liked the replica of a ship made out of 193,000 toothpicks and 5 gallons of glue. Katelyn and Josh liked pushing the buttons to work the small machines. (There were also some really beautiful watercolors - they were my personal favorite!) Other pieces of art included faces cut from Styrofoam cups and a sculpture made completely from paper plates. We concluded that it was fun to see "things we've never seen before." As we drove out the city and past the Maryland Science Center, Josh declared that we should go there because it's more fun. Agreed. :)

Josh and Katelyn flapping their wings up in the birds nest!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Deep Creek with Friends

We went to Deep Creek with the Erdmans over Memorial Day weekend for the third year in a row. It really is getting more fun the older the kids get. We had a great weekend!

We headed to Ohiopyle for the day to ride bikes and play in the river.
This was the first "tear-free" bike ride - it was so much fun!

The kids' favorite part was playing in the river.
They were very adventurous and spent a lot of time in the water.

A cute Katelyn - Macy moment.

S'mores with Uncie!
Then we headed to Swallow Falls to hike.
We couldn't keep the kids out of the cold water!
Can you find the frog?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Josh's School Program

The Pre-K classes all performed in a end-of-the-year program. The boys did a super job singing two songs as a class, plus two other songs with the rest of the classes. We were very proud. The night ended with a slideshow and here are a few shots of Josh on-screen!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Days of School

Josh had a party in his class for his last day.
There were popsicles and lots of running around! 

Katelyn's class sang a song and then enjoyed bubble
blowing on playground for their last day of school!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Rainy Day Fun

We've had quite a few rainy days - we're expanding our craft and game repertoire. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Celebrations - Part 1

YiaYia and Mommy went to Katelyn's class for a Mother's Day celebration. They had music class and then a party in the room. Macy, YiaYia and Katelyn were checking out their letter cookies to see if they could make any words. 
Katelyn's "Tootsie Tulips"
Everybody LOVES Mrs. Cummings!
More to come...Josh's class sang a song - I'll post that as soon as I can get it to download! :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Double Piggy Back Ride

Let's Go O's!

Josh and Katelyn received their Orioles Dugout Club gear in the mail. 
Now they are all set to go to a game!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Variations on a SUPER HERO Theme

Josh and Katelyn both have the super hero bug. 
Here is a glimpse of our Sunday afternoon.

Our favorite is when Katelyn gets really fierce,
takes her stance and yells, "Oh Yeah!"