Thursday, July 21, 2011

This little guy is just like his father...

Here is Josh in July of 2008:

July 2009:
Yesterday, Josh asked me to draw him a picture of "The King" from Cars. We couldn't find his King car or his Cars book, so I drew it from memory. I told Josh that I couldn't remember King's number, so I wasn't going to put one. Josh said, "Wait! Let me think." He furrowed his brow and put his finger on the side of his head while he thought. Then he said, "It's a 3 and a 4." I took his word for it and drew a 34 on the car:

Today we went online to print out some pictures to color and I found a King coloring page. Wouldn't you know that Josh had the right numbers, just the wrong order. I couldn't believe it! Turns out that Josh has a memory like his fathers!

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