Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Josh's time to shine(r)

Josh got his first black eye tonight. I saw him hit his head, but didn't see where he hit. Since he was rubbing above his eye, that is where I rubbed and it was several minutes before I finally noticed the bruise! The picture doesn't do it justice...hopefully it won't be worse in the morning! This happened fifteen minutes before about stalling!

(Hey Grant - Josh is trying to match you!)

Here is Josh the next morning (Thursday). The bruise spread a little and there is swelling...but he's back to himself!

Bruised banana face!


Crossman's said...

You are doing good and this is his first bruise at 18 months!! Lexi has so many bruises I lost count!! Thanks for your prayers!!

Jenelle said...

Awww... poor baby. I am sure it looks worse than it feels, so that is good.

The Lightners said...

A black eye is a right of passage for a little boy. He is so cute with it. Bailey said she thinks he's a hottie with his shiner!!!