Saturday, April 10, 2010

Highlights from Salt Lake City

We made the trip from Las Vegas to Salt Lake City for a four day visit with the Crossman Family.

Uncle Ron and Aunt Ronda

Our first game of Settlers with Richard, Robert, Kim and Raquel

Josh and Katelyn LOVED jumping (or bouncing) on the trampoline with Isaac, Lexi, Kylee, and Izzy

Josh's new BFF - Isaac
He followed Isaac around all day long!

We really loved getting to see Aunt Donna, Susan and Ballard - let's visit longer next time!

Bathtime for Izzy, Katelyn and Josh

Check out this view from the backyard!

Josh's first kite-flying experience. He had a great time and did a good job of not letting go!

We had a Johnson Family Reunion with my dad's aunts and cousins on his mother's side - Aunt Marta, Aunt Zenda (who will be 90 in September - she's amazing!) and Aunt Lila. We have so much fun with all of them and look forward to every visit. Please come East!!

Kim, Rebecca and Betsy

The guys enjoyed hitting around in the backyard

Pop-Pop and Katelyn - say cheese!

Great-Grandpa Crossman and Katelyn

We went to the Museum of Ancient History at Thanksgiving Point on afternoon.
Ryan and Jeff take a turn shooting hoops while looking through prism glasses.

Lexi looking super cute!

Grandma and Katelyn playing in the water and sand table

Lexi and Joshy digging for dinosaurs

Jeff and Isaac worked for a long time to make this pool

Ahhh...a shark!!!!

Great-Grandpa and Izzy read a book

Four Generations

Josh and Katelyn's Second Cousins -
Izzy, Kylee, Davon, Jaxon, Lexi and Isaac

Aunt Kathy and Raquel

The Cousins
Randy, Rebecca, Ryan, Raquel, Betsy, Jeff, Kim, Robert,
Katie and Richard

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