Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Josh's First Trip to the Dentist

Today was Josh's first trip to the dentist. HE WAS A ROCK STAR!!! We are so proud of him. He sat in the chair by himself, asked questions about the tools and followed directions so well. Miriam, the dental hygienist, was so great explaining everything to Josh - she is soft spoken and was a perfect match for him. We weren't sure how this visit would be and Josh did a really great job.

Horsey and The Cat in the Hat made Josh feel right at home.

Miriam counted his teeth - 10 on top and 10 on the bottom.

Josh's favorite part was suctioning the water out of his mouth.

He decided to sit up while his teeth were cleaned.

Josh was excited to pick out a toothbrush, egg timer and floss out...

then got to pick out a prize from a treasure chest. He picked out a little race car.

The Dentist's Office is a pretty cool place!

1 comment:

Jenelle said...

I hope they didn't tell you to start saving for braces like Grace's dentist told us. He said her first set will be around eight. Lucky us. So glad Josh did so well :)