Friday, January 11, 2013

Our family's adoption journey

We've been on a journey and we've been traveling along for over two years now. I kind of imagine us on a road for the past two years. We started out knowing only that we were headed towards adoption. There was a lot of looking at maps and asking for directions during this time until we came to our next road sign heading us towards Ethiopia. We've been walking on that road for the past 21 months not knowing exactly where that was leading us. We just knew that was the path God led us on. And like a marathon runner (which neither of us are, but we've seen a few...), we received encouragement and nourishment along the way from our family and friends to keep going and pushing forward in the wait. Then on December 21, 2012, we took our first "exit" when we received our referral phone call matching us with TWIN 8 MONTH OLD BABY GIRLS! We were surprised and excited and overjoyed - it was the most generous Christmas gift - to be entrusted with the lives of these two, sweet girls. Simply amazing! 
Our journey is not nearly over yet, but our family is on a more specific path now. We will make two trips to Ethiopia before we bring them home. 2-3 months from now, we'll travel to meet the girls and have our court appointment. Then 2-3 months after that, we'll make our Embassy appointment and bring the girls home. We're hopeful we'll be home by summer!
**We can't post photos of the girls until we bring them home, but here is a sneak peak!**


Jenelle said...

So happy for you... also, got your card today and wanted to say how great your hair looks!! Happy New Year, 2013 is going to be doubly blessed for you!!!

Julie said...

How exciting for your family! We've had a number of families in our church pursue adoption, with at least 4 (resulting in 7 kids) from Ethiopia.

Dan and Michelle said...

We are thrilled for you! Love you all.