Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WARNING: Do not let your toddlers see these photos!

Josh gave Betsy a surprise yesterday during his nap. Josh was not eager to nap and fussing quite a bit. She heard him throw his toys out of the crib (typical) and hear another thump a few minutes later, but assumed it was another toy. She then hear the pitter-patter of little feet in the front hallway and soon Josh appeared in the kitchen with a big grin on his face! She promptly took him back up to see how he climbed out. Here he is demonstrating!

Josh practicing getting out of his toddler bed

Bedtime for Josh! We spent all evening in search of a bed rail for a toddler bed - we'll have to search online. In the meantime, pillows on the floor will have to do!

He likes it!

Good morning Josh! He slept all night in his bed without a problem, only peaking out of the door once when he first went down. Right now he's taking his nap and still staying in his bed.
We're hoping he continues this easy transition. Especially since our plan was for him to stay in his crib until he was 3! We're quickly learning that our plans are not always his plans!


Stacey P said...

love that boy.

Jenelle said...

Josh's plans will never be your plans!!!! I am glad it's working out for you. That must have been a shock to see him at the door!